I got up this morning and put on my favorite jeans. As I was trying to button them, I noticed that I was getting a very distinct muffin top. For those of you who are not familiar with this term, it is that flesh and fat that spills over the top of your pants. You know...the midsection bulge.
Studies show that I am not alone when it comes to excess abdominal fat. As women approach and actually go through menopause, their metabolism slows down and they tend to carry more body fat. So what do you do about this excess baggage? Here are some tips to help eliminate the middle age spread:
1. Take a hike!
Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to decrease overall body fat. Take a walk through the neighborhood, use a treadmill or eliptical trainer for 30 minutes, cycle, or enjoy a nature hike.
2. Eat more fiber rich foods
Add more apples, raspberries, and whole wheat products that are rich in fiber to your diet. Fiber helps to prevent constipation, a condition that can bloat the abdominal area.
3. Eat less complex carbohydrates
I love pasta just as much as the next person but, along with rice, it is rich in complex carbohydrates. These types of carbohydrates tend to cause bloating. If you need a rice or pasta fix, try whole wheat versions.
4. Sit ups
Yes, I hate doing them too but, sit ups are extremely effective when it comes to tightening the abdominal muscles. While sit ups have been shown to do very little to reduce abdominal fat, by toning up the underlying muscles the abdomen will shrink.
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